Wednesday, April 21, 2010

One of the Many Beneifts of the KY Derby

If you have read many of my posts, you will know that I am on a personal mission to keep Fisherville clean and minimize the litter that lines our streets. Yesterday, I came home and the state/city mowers had chopped up the litter that was remaining on our major throughfares into thousands of tiny pieces. I was SO ANGRY!! Yeah, they finally cut the grass, but now there was 20 times more trash to pick up and it was blown all over the place.

Today as I sat in the rush hour traffic coming into the watershed (that is another topic for another day), I was determined to get home and get out there with a rake to at least clean up a few of the worst spots. To my surprise and extreme excitement, the mowers had returned and cleaned up every piece of litter that they had shredded! It looks spectacular!! There is the beautiful, green, clean scenery for which Fisherville is known.

This takes me back to the KY Derby. This city will look near immaculate when the hundreds of thousands of people travel into and through Louisville to attend the KY Derby and all of its festival events. It is one of the perks of the KY Derby that many people probably don't even notice or appreciate. I personally would like to commend the mowers and litter collectors for the job that was done in this area and everywhere.

I hope that people realize how great our city looks and, hey, why don't we work harder on keeping it that way? The KY Derby only comes once a year afterall, so don't expect this service again until next April. It is up to us to keep our trash under control and make sure it ends up in the proper places. None of which are along Taylorsville Road.

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