Monday, March 29, 2010

FANA/Brightside/UPS Cleanup Photos

This past Saturday, 3/27/2010, roughly 20 volunteers came out to help cleanup the Fisherville area with the Fisherville Area Neighborhood Association (FANA), as they participated in the 2010 Brightside/UPS Community-wide Cleanup.

The weather was beautiful, the volunteers went to great lengths to clean our community, and overall, the area is noticeably much cleaner! Thank you everyone for you help!

Here are some pictures from the event taken by Bryan Siders:

Within the first hour volunteers has already filled many bags on Taylorsville Road.

A volunteer reaches for debris in one of the many drainage ditches alongside Taylorsville Road. Unfortunately, a lot of the litter in these drainage ways will end up in Floyd's Fork, harming sensitive aquatic life, if nothing is done to remove it.

First time I've ever been on the ground next to the Trestle as a train rolls by.

Many volunteers took on the dangerous task of cleaning along side Taylorsville Lake Road where traffic is often going over 70 mph. Many, many fast food bags, cups, and cartons were removed from this area. I just don't understand the people who throw these items out of their windows.

Stop! Littering, that is! As you can see, we filled up quite a few bags in 4 hours, as well as collecting larger debris. Thankfully, Metro Solid Waste removed the pile within 4 hours!

I encourage everyone to clean up anytime they see litter accumulating. If everyone would just clean the sections of roadway around their residence or business, the area would stay clean all year long!

Thanks again to all of the volunteers who devoted their Saturday to help make Fisherville green again!

If you are interested in participating in litter cleanup events in this area or donating to the cause, please email

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